Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Thief Worth of Awaken

My thought of thief awaken.
Navigator: Tenacity/Miku


T: Hello Miku!
M: Hello Tenacity

M: I want to know about awaken today! :D
T: .......Thief Awaken?

M: Yes! I guess You will be able to throw x10  Darting Fever by awaken?
T: I hoped it..... Thief is into the ice age.

M: Why? It's not strong? Everybody get stronger through the awaken!
T: .......... face palm
M: Don't be sad! Ok let's talk about awaken!

M: What is awaken system?
T: At 300lv, each char have 3 kinds of skill revolution which definitely help your hunting.

M: What is requirement for awaken?
T: - To be 300lv
   .- Have requirement skills
   .- Have 3500skill points

M: Can all chars get good advantage?
T: Some chars are Yes.
T: Some chars are No.

T:Example of good awaken: EleXXXXX LaXXer
Example of bad awaken: Vxxx DaXXer

T: good char can hit 20k dmg capacity around 350lv, that's bitch! ooai;hd;awhfbh;waubgfuiwabfauidb;ua;udba;ufbaw;u waoihdai
M: Lol Tenacity calm down!!
M: Can't you get another awaken?
T: ....... No
M: oh boy...>.<

M: But, you will get awaken at 300lv right?! :D
T: Considering to get awaken at 300lv or not.
M: Why not?

T: Double Throw 5% crit add
T: Darting Fever minimum damage 30% add/attack 360゜
T: It needs 7000 skill points
M: ...but .... but everybody have awaken at 300lv and if you don't have awaken even though you are 300lv, everybody feel pity you....
T: Yea... However, I won't take awaken at 300lv!
M: Why?!?!

T: Thief/monk needs another skills!
M: For example?
T: Popular skill are  Intuition/DF/DT/Poison Neutralization/illusion/side step/stand/sweep kick.
M: You already took most of them?
T: Yes Intuition/DF/DT/Side Step/illusion/Stand are max. Neutralization 1lv/Sweep kick 22lv.
M: You are 265lv. And you are almost ready to take all popular skill aren't you?
T: Hmmmm. It's not!
T: I'm taking Hide in Shadow!
M: What is it?!
T: This is skill lv boost. You can have +5 more skill.
T: I think I should take this skill max instead of awaken.

M: So you think Hide in Shadow>>awaken?
T: Yes. Skill+5 effects more damage/more dart throwing/more illusion.
T: It's much better than crit 5%/adding 30% minimum damage.

M: I got it! So, You should get another skill before you get Thief awaken :D
T: Right!

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