M: Hello Tenacity
T: Hi Miku :D
T/M: Don't use offensive words please. But You can AGREE/DISAGREE my opinion on comment :D share your thought
M: Today's topic is such as seriously problem.
T: huh? what about?
M: Game manner/Q&A/ How game should change and update.
T:Mr.NAllen22 Opinion
T: Yea I have read it. Sadly 2 person left game.
M: Yea... he wrote 10 reasons why he left.
1) Forgotten Waterway SD being abused for Crystal Stones of Trials.
M/T: It is what everybody talked. Unfortunately, I'm not high level enough to do it, but after 400lv, there are 2 style leveling which is hunting and blue stone SD.
Pros of Blue Stone SD:
- Everybody can get lv easier and entire players lv will be 600+ in the future which meant many 600lv+ can join Gv.
- Skip some of harder grind parts.
Cons of Blue Stone SD:
- Everybody started to do waterway sd which gives blue stone 1~100lv.
- Untill rich people get higher level enough, poor player cannot buy blue stone from stall.
- People tired to do unlimited WaterWay SD.
My thought: This is sensitive problem, because even any case, people feel "unfair". If they make limit of sd time, people who didn't do blue stone sd gonna complain. If they didn't do anything for it, people will be mad. Moreover, if they changed SD reward(like Blue Stone drops after salty sd), lower lv players complain. I personally don't care it because I prefer to do item hunting instead of blue stone, but people who care/feel disadvantage by "lv" dislike this system.
Maybe, GnG should take poll what way we should choose and then change system.
2) Disconnect on switching maps.
M/T: I don't getl so much disconnection. Maybe he got so much. I guess it depends on country or internet provider.
3) Losing buffs on map change.
M/T: Never gotten that problem. Maybe same reason as Question.2
4) A lot of translations still needed.
M/T: It is what they still need to work, but as you know translation is not easy work especially people who can speak more than 2 language understand how it is hard. Let's wait their effort.
5) Having to re-log every time to switch character, since there is no Character Select button.
M/T: It is good thing for security. I haven't played OGP so much, so I don't know how often people get victim of hacking. However, I have never seen "get hacked" in this server.
6) Lack of community involvement, GM Buffs are useless. They only help level 1-100 players.
T/M: Lack of community is made by dis-communication. I hunt in anywhere when I have GM buff, and people didn't say anything and suddenly use hunting area where I have used. Otherwise, if people ask me to "pt pls", I haven't rejected it yet. Let's communicate from you!
T/M: Personally, I feel so shame complain. As I said Question 4, English is as second language for Daniel Kim or another staff. However, we can see their effort even though it is not their 1st language. Moreover, this is "international server." Your guilder/pt member are not American or Nation who use English as first language. Just remind you.
8) Very bugged client. Sometimes gets locked in the password window. Sometimes the client itself will freeze.
T/M: I agree with it. I sometimes feel inconvenience.
9) Less and less players every day. (I'm in a guild of 182 people and there's only 13 people on at the moment.)
T/M: Yes. Unfortunately, people quit some reasons; Blue Stone SD/bugs/no update contents yet.
10) Lack of updates, most of your players have been pestering your Facebook and Q&A asking for BeastMan, cash shop items, and other things. We don't know if they're even being worked on. GM's don't disclose anything. Although we could care less if Extractors and Mirrors are a "Surprise," they're not. We'll be the ones buying them in bulk and filling your wallets with cash.
T/M: That's difficult problem. GnG/L&K have to make "benefit" from game and if they update everything at the same time, there is no more "exciting/surprise" things for game. In OGP server, server version was very old, and now you can see more contents. But, if they already update everything, you would complain "bored because of no fresh contents". We should think their thought.
Now we'd just like to know how we can refund all the cash points we've bought.
It doesn't make a sense. You can refund chair in Walmart because you have chair. You can't refund game coin, because you already used items. Can you ask refund in MacDonald after you ate your Hamburger?
Haven't you learned "game money never come back after you used" in OGP server or K2 server?
Leave Comments "How should game change?" "How can we solve language barrier?"
Have a good day :D
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